Guardianship, what is it? Why would one being be a guardian of others, why be responsible for others? What makes it necessary, what makes it right? Why does being chosen by some alien, some invader suddenly make an individual responsible for others? Where does a moral obligation begin and why? Perhaps these are valid questions, I would suppose if we were students in a philosophy class in some lyceum of old we would have time to indulge ourselves in such reflection and reverie. But the truth is, we inherently know and feel this obligation from the moment we are aware of our own abundance of talent and other people's lack. From a practical sense, we can see and understand the need for society - individuals have need of other individuals at the basest level to propagate the species, but also for higher needs, psychological, production of food, water, and shelter. And on top of everything, defense of self and species is reliant upon having the numbers to defend with. ...